SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

3552445 - Price Specification Customer Group Replication Error in V2


You want to setup the scenario of Price Specification Replication with S4H in CNS and you get the following error in CPI during the replication:

org.apache.camel.component.ahc.AhcOperationFailedException: HTTP operation failed invoking https://URL/sap/c4c/api/v1/inbound-data-connector-service/messages/

ReplicationMessageIn with statusCode: 400


S4H Cloud

SAP Sales Version 2

Reproducing the Issue

  1. Log in CPI Tenant
  2. Go to Overview
  3. Go to Monitor Message Processing
  4. Filter for the erroneous messages for the iflow: Replicate Price Specifiction Customer Group from SAP S4HANA
  5. Check the logs for HTTP_Receiver_Adapter_Response_Body


This error indicates that the inbound configuration is missing in the communication setup within the CNS system. Specifically in the case above, you need to verify that the "Replicate Price Specification Customer Group" from SAP S/4HANA is included in the inbound configuration.


  1. Log on CNS tenant
  2. Navigate to All Settings
  3. Go to Integration
  4. Go to Communication Configuration 
  5. Open the Communication Configuration: Integrate Master Data with SAP S/4HANA 
  6. Go to Inbound Configuration.
  7.  Search for "Price Specification" and add Replicate Price Specification Customer Group from SAP S4HANA


Price Specification;400; priceSpecificationCustomerGroupS4  , KBA , CEC-CRM-INT , Integration for SAP Sales/Service Cloud , Known Error


SAP Sales Cloud and SAP Service Cloud Version 2 1.0