- A task in SAP Cloud Integration for data services (CI-DS) fails with the following error:
FIL-80101 |Data flow XXXXX Cannot open file <<Incorrect_Path>/<File_Name>>. Please check the files path and permissions.
- Despite the path in the error message reading <Incorrect_Path>, the path is correctly configured in the CI-DS task and datastores as <Correct_Path>.
SAP Cloud Integration for data services
SAP Cloud Integration for data services 1.0
SAP Cloud Integration for Data Services, CIDS, Task Failure, Unfound Flat File, Root Directory, Cache Issue, Datastore, KBA 0003446368, KBA 0003200483, cannot open file, please check the files path and permissions, cache, incorrect, path, correct, lookup, datastore, task, source, target , KBA , LOD-HCI-DS , HANA Cloud Integration for Data Services , Problem
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