During the Dialog Instance installation procedure with SWPM 1.0 tool the following error happened according to sapinst_dev.log at the checking of profile parameters:
TRACE <DATE> <TIMESTAMP> (root/sapinst) (startInstallation) [Installer Callback]
TRACE <DATE> <TIMESTAMP> (root/sapinst) (startInstallation) [Installer Callback]
TRACE <DATE> <TIMESTAMP> (root/sapinst) (startInstallation) [Installer Callback]
NW.getDirProfile() done: /sapmnt/<SAPSID>/profile
TRACE <DATE> <TIMESTAMP> (root/sapinst) (startInstallation) [Installer Callback]
NWInstance.getDirProfile() done: /sapmnt/<SAPSID>/profile
TRACE <DATE> <TIMESTAMP> (root/sapinst) (startInstallation) [Installer Callback]
NWInstance.getStartProfilePath() done: /sapmnt/<SAPSID>/profile/START_DVEBMGS<instance number>_<hostname>
TRACE <DATE> <TIMESTAMP> (root/sapinst) (startInstallation) [Installer Callback]
TRACE <DATE> <TIMESTAMP> (root/sapinst) (startInstallation) [Installer Callback]
TRACE <DATE> <TIMESTAMP> (root/sapinst) (startInstallation) [Installer Callback]
NWInstance.isAlwaysUnicode() done: false
TRACE <DATE> <TIMESTAMP> (root/sapinst) (startInstallation) [Installer Callback]
NWInstance.isAlwaysUnicode() done: false
TRACE <DATE> <TIMESTAMP> (root/sapinst) (startInstallation) [Installer Callback]
Can't resolve parameter _PF in profile. Returning undefined.
TRACE <DATE> <TIMESTAMP> (root/sapinst) (startInstallation) [Installer Callback]
While resolving parameter pf=$(_PF): can't resolve pf=$(_PF) because _PF is unknown. Returning undefined.
TRACE <DATE> <TIMESTAMP> (root/sapinst) (startInstallation) [EJSController.cpp:281]
52594: // but /sapmnt/SID/profile exists...
52595: spf.add(new Property("DIR_PROFILE", this.getDirProfile()));
52596: }
52597: var apps = spf.getApplications();
52598: for (var i = 0; i < apps.length; ++i) {
52599: if (apps[i].profile) {
52600: pf = apps[i].profileUnresolved;
52601: break;
52602: }
52603: }
52604: var s = installer.onWindows() ? "\\" : "/";
52605: if (!pf) {
52606: pf = "$(DIR_PROFILE)" + s + this.getSID() + "_" + this.getName() + "_" + this.getHostName();
52607: }
52608: if (resolve) {
52609: pf = FSPath.getPath(spf.resolveValue(pf).value());
52610: this._updateRow({instProfilePath:pf.toString()});
52611: }
52612: }
52613: NW.trace("NWInstance.getProfilePath() done: ", pf);
52614: return pf;
52615: }
52616: this.getDefaultProfilePath = function() {
52617: NW.trace("NWInstance.getDefaultProfilePath()");
52618: var ret = NW.getSystem(this.getSID()).getDefaultProfilePath();
52619: NW.trace("NWInstance.getDefaultProfilePath() done: ", ret);
52620: return ret;
52621: }
52622: this.exeIsLocal = function() {
52623: return parseBool(row.exeIsLocal);
52624: }
A full dump of the javascript code can be found in file js_dump.log in the installation directory.
ERROR <DATE> <TIMESTAMP> (root/sapinst) (startInstallation) [EJSGlobal.cpp:48] id=ejs.scriptMessage errno=FJS-00003 EJS_ErrorReporter
TypeError: spf.resolveValue(pf) has no properties (in script NW_DI|ind|ind|ind|ind, line 52609: ???)
TRACE <DATE> <TIMESTAMP> (root/sapinst) (startInstallation) [SLPGuiEngine.cpp:214] SLPGuiEngine::showMessageBoxHandleButtonImpl()
executing JS script failed
SAP NetWeaver 7.0x and higher
SWPM 1.0
TypeError: spf.resolveValue(pf) has no properties, _PF = $(DIR_PROFILE), pf = FSPath.getPath(spf.resolveValue(pf).value()), Can't resolve parameter _PF in profile. Returning undefined., While resolving parameter pf=$(_PF): can't resolve pf=$(_PF) because _PF is unknown. Returning undefined., Can't resolve parameter _PF in profile, pf=$(_PF): can't resolve pf=$(_PF) because _PF is unknown, Returning undefined , KBA , BC-INS-SWPM , Installation with Software Provisioning Manager , Problem
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