Your connection is being terminated with the following trace:
- KernelSentinel KernelSentinelJob.cpp(00747): A long-lived suspended cursor was killed.
- KernelSentinel KernelSentinelJob.cpp(01548): There is an excessive number of un-collected versions.
You have already consulted KBA 3220938 - Killed long-lived suspended cursor. tid=<>, connId=<>, duration(s)=<>, lifetime(s)=<> - SAP for Me, but you are still unable to determine why your connection is being terminated.
You want to know:
- What is the suspended state of a cursor?
- Why does a cursor exist even if not explicitly opened?
- SAP HANA, platform edition 2.0
- HANA Client 2
long-lived suspended cursor. tid, 720 with reconfigure,indexserver.ini, long running, e KernelSentinel, KernelSentinelJob.cpp,Killed long-lived suspended cursor, SQL error "SQL code: -10807", 3220938 , KBA , HAN-DB-ENG , SAP HANA DB Engines , Problem
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