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3554408 - Gap in Nota Fiscal Numbering Using NFE_SEND_DOCUMENT_TO_CLOUD in SAP Document and Reporting Compliance Outbound


  • In the NF-e/CT-e Monitor (J1BNFE) transaction, when numbering an NF-e document and keeping the billing open in edit mode, the system generates an NF-e number before checking if the document is locked. This generated NF-e number is discarded and never used, causing a gap in the document numbering.
  • This issue results in a gap in the numbering of Nota Fiscal documents, potentially leading to fiscal issues with Brazil Tax Authority (SEFAZ).



  • SAP Document and Reporting Compliance, Outbound Nota Fiscal


SAP Document and Reporting Compliance, outbound invoicing option for Brazil (nota fiscal eletronica) all versions ; SAP ERP all versions ; SAP S/4HANA all versions


SAP Document and Reporting Compliance, Outbound Nota Fiscal, NFE_SEND_DOCUMENT_TO_CLOUD, Nota Fiscal numbering, SEFAZ, Brazil, Brasil, Outbound, SE38, Company Code, Business Place, Document Number, DRC. , KBA , LOD-LH-NFE , SAP Document and Reporting Compliance, Outbound Nota Fiscal , FI-LOC-NFE-BR-OUT , Outbound , Known Error

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