- The target has some string value for a column, while all the values of this column in the source are numbers.
- The target table columns values are shifted or truncated. For example, in the source, a record whose column A = "C00003" and column A+1 = "ZD", but in target for the same record, column A = "C00" and column A+1 = "003ZD"
- Source data number and target data number are the same, but the data are inconsistent
SAP Landscape Transformation Replication Server
SAP Landscape Transformation replication server 1.0 ; SAP Landscape Transformation replication server 2.0 ; SAP Landscape Transformation replication server 3.0
SLT, column, key fields, datatype, string, numeric, inconsistent , KBA , CA-LT-SLT , SAP Landscape Transformation Replication Server (SLT) , Problem
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