SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

3555250 - Product.ApplyRules method not triggering CPQ Rules on a VC product


After performing a call to Variant Configuration System, even though using Product.ApplyRules method, CPQ Product Attribute Rules are not being retriggered.


SAP SALES CLOUD CPQ integrated with SAP Variant Configuration

Reproducing the Issue

  1. On a Variant product, set some Attribute Visibility Rules
  2. During product configuration, trigger a call to backend through scripting
    1. This script contains a Product.ApplyRules() call in order to trigger the CPQ Rules on the attribute visibility after the call
  3. Product.ApplyRules() do not retrigger CPQ rules.


Expected Behavior.


  • Product.ApplyRules method in scripting is used in case of CPQ rules
  • In case of VC products, the rules are executed on VC side, i.e. whenever an attribute selection is changed via scripting, VC is notified of that change via remote call to execute all the rules 
  • In case it is required to retrigger CPQ Rules after VC call, it is needed to perform a change on CPQ Level (change attribute value, for example).


Integration, Configuration, Variant, VC, CPQ , KBA , CEC-SAL-CPQ , Sales Cloud CPQ , Bug Filed


SAP CPQ all versions