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3555666 - Could not send email: The server '' could be reached, but the login with the given credentials failed - SBPA


  • User able to configure the SMTP Server for the SBPA as per SAP help link Configure an SMTP Mail Destination, but email triggering is failed with below error.

  • Error message: Could not send email: The server '' could be reached, but the login with the given credentials failed. Verify that the credentials are valid for the server. The server has returned the following message: '535 5.7.3 Authentication unsuccessful.

  • When user uses "Basic Authentication" authentication method, it also results in the below error.

  • Error message: Could not send email: The server '' could be reached, but the login with the given credentials failed. Verify that the credentials are valid for the server. The server has returned the following message: '535 5.7.3 Authentication unsuccessful, basic authentication is disabled.



  • SAP Build Process Automation.


SAP Build Process Automation 1.0


Could not send email: The server '' could be reached, but the login with the given credentials failed, Verify that the credentials are valid for the server. The server has returned the following message: '535 5.7.3 Authentication unsuccessful., basic authentication is disabled, SMTP, SBPA, IRPA, Email Server, Microsoft, disable, OAuth2ClientCredentials, OAuth2JWTBearer, OAuth2UserTokenExchange, not supported, Basic Authentication, process automation, smtp server. , KBA , BPI-PA , SAP Build Process Automation , BPI-PA-RT , SPBA Runtimes (Action RT, Mail RT, Destination-Auth, ..) , CA-ML-IPA , IPA , Problem

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