The syncRef function is used to send a nested entity reference as part of a parent JSON payload. This function is currently used exclusively for synchronizing data from PM to Commissions (Incentive Management application).
The primary purpose of syncRef is to include entities within a larger JSON structure when only the logical keys are available (and not the primary keys). For example, if you need to sync a Producer with a commissions target Producer, businessUnits (a separate entity) must be part of the main Producer JSON payload.
Following this, this article aims to provide you with further details regarding the syncRef function and how to use it for your PM to Commissions Sync process.
SAP SuccessFactors Agent Lifecycle Management
Sync, PMCommSync, Commisions, ALM, Producer, SyncRef, businessUnits. , KBA , CEC-SAL-PPO , SuccessFactors Agent Lifecycle Management , How To
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