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3557061 - At time-dependent condition using purchasing agreement an unexpected "change" output can appear


You created a purchasing outline agreement (contract or scheduling agreement with time-dependent conditions), and if approving needed then you also approved it. Thereafter you edit it and remove its S/4hana output control (a.k.a BRF+) output message (which output is not yet processed due to dispatch time is 2-scheduled), and do no other change on the document, just save.
Thereafter you notice that a new "change" output appears in the document unexpectedly as you did not do any print relevant change, and you do not want to communicate anything out to the vendor yet.



SAP S/4hana - S/4hana output control (a.k.a. BRF+ output logic) used


SAP S/4HANA all versions


BRF+ output change t166c nachricht änderung no change CDHDR CDPOS , KBA , MM-PUR-GF-OC , Message determination and printing , CA-GTF-OC , SAP S/4HANA output management , Problem

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