- A user cannot open a SAP Fiori Element Application "X"
- The user may have created a variant with custom filters and columns and saved it as a default variant
- Since then the Fiori application does not load anymore
- Fiori Element Application does not load after user created a custom variant
- Example error:
Error: adding element with duplicate id '<component name>::FilterBar::<filter values>'
at onDuplicate (Element-dbg.js:218:12) - Is there a way to delete the user created variant that may have corrupted the system for the system to load properly?
SAPUI5 1.X and others.
SAPUI5 1.0
"Reset User Variant","User variant corrupted Fiori Application","How to delete user custom variant","Fiori elements does not load after user variant","Fiori app fails to load with user variant","How to reset or remove user variant","User Variant reset" , KBA , CA-UI5-FL-LRP , Layered Repository , Problem
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