I'm sending an invoice to my buyer with price basis quantity from an external source (not created in Business Network), but when it reaches their Ariba Buying & Invoicing application, the amounts are calculated as if not by price basis. When I check my Business Network account as a supplier I can see the correct amount.
Item X cost is $25 per 10 and I invoice 100 items. The expected amount on this scenario would be $250. However when it reaches Ariba Buying & Invoicing, the invoiced amount is displaying $2500 instead, as it is just multiplying the price per items, instead of considering the "per 10" condition from price basis quantity.
SAP Business Network
SAP Managed Gateway for Spend & Network
SAP Ariba Procurement
PriceBasisQuantity; Price Basis Quantity; cXML; Amount; Gross Amount; Net Amount; Incorrect; Error; Integration; , KBA , SBN-AN-TX-INV , Transaction (Invoicing) , BNS-ARI-CI-SUP-AN , Managed Gateway for Business Network Sell Side , BNS-ARI-INV-PO , PO Based Invoicing , How To
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