SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

3558953 - Delayed disqualified emails not sent for candidates moved to disqualified status via OData API


Delayed disqualified emails for candidates moved to a disqualified status via OData API are not being sent since January 3rd, 2025.


SAP SuccessFactors Recruiting Management

Reproducing the Issue

  1. A status triggered email is configured for a disqualified status.
  2. In Manage Recruiting Settings ->  Delay Emails to Disqualified Candidates (in hours) is ENABLED
  3. A candidate applies to a position.
  4. The candidate is moved to the disqualified status by OData API.
  5. No status triggered email is sent to the candidate.


Engineering are currently investigating the root cause of this issue and this KBA will be updated once this established.


This is a known issue, currently being investigated by our Engineering and Operations team.
There is a workaround available to have the email sent to candidate immediately and this will help to reduce the number of affected candidate who are not receiving any disqualification email as candidates will now receive the email immediately.
1. Disable the setting "Delay Emails to Disqualified Candidates (in hours)" in Manage Recruiting Settings
2. The disqualification email will be sent immediately to the candidate.
Please note that by disabling this setting, all future disqualified candidates will begin to receive the status triggered email immediately, this includes candidates who were manually disqualified, automatically disqualified by the system or moved to the disqualified status by OData API.
This workaround will not affect affect previously disqualified candidates who did not receive the email but it will help to reduce the future number of affected candidates from increasing,
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E-mail; disqualify; status; delayed, odata api, status triggered, email, rejection, interface, sfapi, INC10728319 , KBA , LOD-SF-RCM-EML , Recruiting Emails and Notifications , Problem


SAP SuccessFactors Recruiting all versions