SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

3559755 - JPB Migration job is not completed after TIH upgrade on instance using JDM


Job Profile Builder (JPB) migration job is not completed after Talent Intelligence Hub (TIH) upgrade on instance using Job Description Manager solution (JDM). 


  • SAP SuccessFactors Job Description Manager
  • SAP SuccessFactors Job Profile Builder
  • SAP SuccessFactors Talent Intelligence Hub

Reproducing the Issue

  1. Upgrade successfully to TIH on instance using JDM per this KBA 3327912 - Migrating Job Description Manager Data to Talent Intelligence Hub - SAP for Me 
  2. Enable JPB in the instance afterwards per this KBA 2383059 - Enabling Job Profile Builder (JPB) - SAP for Me 
  3. Run and correct JDM check tools per this KBA 2276692 - Best Practices on Job Description Manager to Job Profile Builder Migration - SAP for Me 
  4. Run the "JDM Old to New Sync" migration job 
  5. Go to Scheduled job manager and click "Detail" link of the relevant job
  6. The job is completed with the following result: "Please note that the WSM Data Initial Load is currently in progress. Please wait for some time till it completes successfully and re-trigger JDM to JPB Migration."



The solution of this issue is currently under investigation. Please follow this KBA for updates.

To migrate the instance to JPB please create a case with Technical Support under component LOD-SF-TIH-JPB-MIG so engineering can process a script to correct the data. Please provide the following required details:

  • Screenshot of "JDM Old to New Sync" migration job details as described in p. 5 above,
  • Data Center (URL of your login screen),
  • Company Instance ID (where to apply changes),
  • Approval

See Also


Job Profile Builder, JPB, activation, Talent Intelligence Hub, TIH, migration, JDM, Job Description Manager, check tool, WSM-28205, , KBA , LOD-SF-TIH-JPB-MIG , Migration to Job Profile Builder , Known Error


SAP SuccessFactors HCM Suite all versions ; SAP SuccessFactors Performance & Goals all versions