Error "403 Forbidden The request has been blocked by UCON" occurs, when calling a HTTP service which is created in ADT.
SAP S/4HANA Cloud Public Edition
Reproducing the Issue
- Create a HTTP service and an inbound communication scenario in ADT.
- Test the HTTP service in Development system, it's working.
- Transport communication scenario into Test system and then transport HTTP service via different TRs.
- Test the HTTP service in Test system, error "403 Forbidden The request has been blocked by UCON" occurs.
The communication scenario has not been regenerated after transporting the assigned inbound service.
That means when transporting the communication scenario, the assigned service would not exist in the Test tenant.
And since the HTTP service was transported afterwards without the communication scenario, the communication scenario was not regenerated.
This behavior is expected.
Include both objects(communication scenario and HTTP service) again in a transport request and transport them to the test tenant.
See Also
SAP Help Portal | Providing Access to a Business Service for Communication Users
SAP Help Portal | Consuming Services in the Context of API with Communication Users (Inbound)
403 Forbidden, The request has been blocked by UCON, HTTP service, communication scenario, inbound, ADT , KBA , BC-SRV-APS-COM , Maintain Communication System and Arrangement , Problem