SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

3561032 - Status Option Not Available in Dropdown When Moving Candidate in the Pipeline - Recruiting Management


When attempting to move a candidate from one status to another using the move buttons or the status picklist within the application, the target status cannot be found in the picklist dropdown even though all permissions are in place.


SAP SuccessFactors Recruiting Management

Reproducing the Issue


  1. Open Candidate's Application
  2. Within the application, click on the status picklist
  3. Observe that not all pipeline statuses are visible in the dropdown


  1. Select candidate using the checkbox
  2. Mouse over "Action"
  3. Click on "Move Candidate"
  4. See that not all pipeline statuses are visible in the dropdown


  1. Open Candidate's Application
  2. Within the application, click on the "Move" button
  3. See that not all pipeline statuses are visible in the dropdown


There is one required status in between the current status of the candidate and the target status.


The picklist options will show the "In Progress" statuses, featuring only the highest status a candidate qualifies for, together with the disqualification statuses.

Therefore, you will see the "In Progress" statuses only up to the next necessary status in the pipeline for the candidate who has reached the furthest stage.

For more details, please refer to the following guide pages:

See Also

2081900 - Error: Drag and Drop Candidate - Recruiting Management


Application status, Status picklist dropdown, status missing in the dropdown, You don't have permission to move this individual to the selected status, missing application status , KBA , LOD-SF-RCM-APP , Applicants and Job Applications , Problem


SAP SuccessFactors Recruiting all versions