SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

3561052 - LDC 3.4.2 (Live Universe connectivity) does not work with BOE 4.3 SP4 Patch 10 in SAP Analytics Cloud (SAC)


When using the LDC (Live Universe Connectivity) version 3.4.2 or lower, it does not work correctly with new installs of BOE 4.3 SP4 Patch 10 or with upgrade installs that have activated the new Trusted Auth connectivity option.


  • SAP Analytics Cloud (Enterprise) 2024.21.1
  • BusinessObjects Enterprise 4.3 SP4 Patch 10
  • Live Universe Connector (LDC) 3.4.2

Reproducing the Issue

  1. Install a new installation of BOE 4.3 SP4 Patch 10
  2. Attempt to connect to it using LDC version 3.4.2 or lower
  3. It does not work


A new method of trusted authentication has been introduced in BOE 4.3 SP4 Patch 10.  It is enabled by default in new installations of BOE 4.3 SP4 Patch 10 and by a toggle that can be enabled post upgrade installs to BOE 4.3 SP4 Patch 10.  LDC 3.4.2 is not compatible with the new method of trusted authentication


If you have upgraded to BOE 4.3 SP4 Patch 10, do not enable the toggle for the new method of trusted authentication and continue with the current method.

Development is currently investigating the ability to support BOE 4.3 SP4 Patch 10 and beyond.

See Also

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BOE, Upgrade, 4.3, SP4, Patch 10, 10, P10, LDC, Universe, Connectivity, Live, connection , KBA , LOD-ANA-DES , Story Design & Visualizations , LOD-ANA-LDC-UNV , SAC Live Data Connection Universe , Problem


SAP Analytics Cloud 1.0