- Process details on How to Enable Employee Real Time Sync feature Toggle
- How to create new person and employment entities using the same email address without causing issues in syncing the accounts in real time.
SAP SuccessFactors HCM Suite
Reproducing the Issue
- For Example: Create Account A using the email address and deactivate the account. Then, Update Account A's email to Account B using the same initial email address
- As per our regular sync process, it will sync Accounts A and B together, which may cause issues in separating them.
- Hence, the solution is to make the changes immediately (via Employee Real Time sync) in IAS to avoid account A and B break.
Address user sync conflict issue having hard dependency on sync sequence.
SuccessFactors has built up "Employee Real time sync" to IAS feature, which is currently in beta version. To address the sync issue which requires restricted sync sequence, Employee real time sync feature can help to notify IPS to pull employee's immediate changes to IAS
This feature has been designed to address sync issues that require a restricted sync sequence.
Here's how it works:
- The Employee Real Time Sync feature notifies IPS to pull immediate changes to IAS. This is particularly beneficial in maintaining the integrity of the data between the two systems.
- The feature monitors changes on account type (employee <-> others, others to employee), account status (active <-> inactive), and login name only.
These parameters have been chosen as they are critical for enhancing security.
Please note that this feature is in its beta version and currently Employee Real Time Sync feature is hidden with toggle off.
Steps to enable Employee Real Time sync feature:
- Customer create case to LOD-SF-PLT-IAS component with below details o enable the Real Time Sync feature:
- Company ID
- Data Center
- Environment (Production/ Preview/ Development) - Support Team will align with SAP Engineering team to enable the toggle (SAP Team, refer to Internal Note of the KBA).
- Once Support Team notify customer the feature is on, set Employee Real time Sync configuration in SuccessFactors Admin Center. It's similar to New Hires as per Manage Real-Time Sync of New Hires from SAP SuccessFactors to Identity Authentication with Identity Provisioning. The ONLY change is at Step 19. For step 19: please check the box for "Employee" as per below snapshot from Demo:
- Post the configurations, please confirm the same in the SAP case along with your approval to clean up duplicated global user id in SuccessFactors (SAP support team, please refer Internal memo of the KBA to remove duplicated global user id)
- Once the clean up activity is completed and the same is confirmed by Support on the case, you can run IPS re-sync job in IPS Admin Console and perform data verification after user sync is complete.
See Also
SAP Help Portal Manage Real-Time Sync of New Hires from SAP SuccessFactors to Identity Authentication with Identity Provisioning
Real Time Sync Feature, toggle enablement, feature, employee, employees, SF, SFSF , KBA , LOD-SF-PLT-IAS , Identity Authentication Services (IAS) With BizX , LOD-SF-PLT-RBP , Role Based Permissions , Product Enhancement