The default operation data for the production order type has been maitained in SSCUI 102534 - Define Default Values. When creating the production order for a material without a production version, the expected system behavior is that a "Generate Operation" will show up and the operation of the production order can be generated based on the data in the SSCUI.
However, there is no "Generate Operation" button appearing and only an error message "No valid production version found for material ***".
This issue only begins to happen after the upgrade to the CE2502 in your 3SL Test system.
SAP S/4HANA Cloud Public Edition 2502
This is a known regression issue.
It is caused by a correction that is needed when using the RAP business object.
The prerequisite of this issue is that "Manual selection of production version" has been maintained for the production order type in SSCUI 102431 - Define Order-Type-Dependent Parameters for Production Orders.
Currently, SAP is working on a hotfix that will bring back the old normal behavior. This is planned to be implemented with HFC03 at the weekend of 2025/02/02.
Before that, you can change the production version selection for the order type from manual to automatic as a workaround.
CE2502, production version, selection, Generate Operation, SSCUI 102534, Define Default Values, regression issue, SSCUI 102431, Define Order-Type-Dependent Parameters for Production Orders , KBA , PP-SFC-EXE-2CL , Order Execution (Public Cloud) , Problem