Apostrophe ( ' ) cannot be used in TIH entities' name and description field
- SAP SuccessFactors Talent Intelligence Hub
Reproducing the Issue
- Log in to system
- Navigate to Admin Center > Manage Talent Intelligence Hub
- Go to the Behaviors tab
- Select and edit a behavior
- Add an apostrophe ( ' ) to the name or description field
- Save
- See that the apostrophe ( ' ) is removed
This is a known limitation for Talent Intelligence Hub (attribute types, behaviors, tags, proficiency scales).
The issue is already resolved for attributes.
The Engineering team is planning the fix for the remaining entities for the b2505 release.
For release timelines, please review SAP SuccessFactors Product Release & Road Map Information.
Workaround: use the backtick ` character in the name and description fields
WSM-28004, apostrophe, ', TIH, talent intelligence hub, behavior, name, description, attribute type, tag, proficiency scale, save, remove, disappear, nonalphanumeric character, special sign, special character , KBA , LOD-SF-TIH , Talent Intelligence Hub and Job Profiles , Problem