When creating or updating a Business Partner from the EU region, the system generates a warning message "Customer/vendor xxx is from an EU country; enter a VAT registration number". Modify the configuration to turn the warning message into an error message.
SAP S/4HANA Cloud Public Edition
Reproducing the Issue
- Go to 'Manage Business Partner Master Data' app
- Create or update the Business partner which is in EU region
- Warning message is displayed
The OBA5 configuration is not available in the S/4HANA Cloud Public Edition which changes warning message into error message.
Utilize validation BADIs to create a custom validation ensuring that the tax field is not left empty. Display a warning or info message to prompt the entry of the relevant tax number for specific Business Partners.
The blog provides an example of creating a validation : Example of how to add a Validation with the Business Partner Master Data in S/4HANA Cloud Public Edition
See Also
VAT number, Business Partner, EU, warning message, error message, VMD_API043, Validation BADIs, custom validation, tax field, S/4HANA Cloud. , KBA , LO-MD-BP-2CL , Business Partners for Public Cloud , LO-MD-BP , Business Partners , Product Enhancement