SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

3563396 - Filter ineligible users Total Compensation Template


When using Total Compensation plan template some questions may come up about how filter works, since one user may be eligible for Compensation tab but ineligible for Variable Pay tab, making some ineligible users appear when using the filter option. 

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  • SAP SuccessFactors Compensation


Ineligible users will only be filtered in Executive Review if the filter is based on a standard string field. See example below: 

  • A filter is created using Pay Grade;

  • As Pay Grade is a Standard and String field, the user ineligible will appear on the filter results:

  • Now if you use Current Salary as filter:

  •  Current Salary is a standard column but it's a money type field, so when filter is applied the ineligible user won't be on the results:

NOTEin case the field is custom and mapped to Employee Central, you can only filter the values for eligible users or to "blank" which will bring all ineligible users. 


Filter, Total Compensation, Ineligible, Eligible, Blank , KBA , LOD-SF-CMP-EXR , Executive Review , How To


SAP SuccessFactors Compensation all versions


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