SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

3563587 - Issue with Vacant Field Not Updating in Position Management - Employee Central


In Position Management, the 'Vacant' (To Be Hired) field is not updating automatically when the FTE of the position is reached. This issue is observed when there is a future hire assigned to that position.


SAP SuccessFactors Employee Central

Reproducing the Issue

  1. Create a position with a specific FTE.
  2. Hire employees for the position until the target FTE is reached, leaving one user with a hire date in the future.
  3. Check the 'Vacant' field in the Position Management system, it will not be updated with the last hire.


The issue arises due to the setting "Set or Reset ‘To Be Hired’ Status if an Incumbent’s ‘FTE’ is Changed" being set to "Only if Planned FTE Value is Reached". This prevents the 'Vacant' field from updating to 'No' even when the target FTE is reached.


  1. Navigate to Position Management Settings -> General.
  2. Change the setting "Set or Reset ‘To Be Hired’ Status if an Incumbent’s ‘FTE’ is Changed" to "Always".
  3. Check the 'Vacant' field in the Position Management system after the target FTE is reached.

See Also


Position Management, Vacant Field, Full-Time Equivalent, FTE, To Be Hired, Position Update, SAP SuccessFactors Employee Central , KBA , LOD-SF-EC-POS-JTP , Job Information to Position Sync , LOD-SF-EC-POS , Position Management , Problem


SAP SuccessFactors Employee Central all versions ; SAP SuccessFactors HCM Suite all versions