Unposted Source Document with error:
"Account determination is missing for supplier. Define the account for chart of accounts <CoA ID>, tab Payables' field 'Payables. Enter a general ledger account for the account determination group for suppliers <ABC> and reconciliation account type Standard payable."
(CoA ID refers to the Chart of Accounts)
(ABC refers to the Account Determination Group for Suppliers)
SAP Business ByDesign
Reproducing the Issue
- Go to General Ledger Work Center > Source Documents View.
- Search for the Source Documents ID
- The document is unposted with error:
"Account determination is missing for supplier. Define the account for chart of accounts <CoA ID>, tab Payables' field 'Payables. Enter a general ledger account for the account determination group for suppliers <Account Determination group for Suppliers> and reconciliation account type Standard payable."
The G/L Account for Payables is not maintained for the Account Determination Group for Suppliers (ABC) and Chart of Accounts (CoA ID)
It is necessary to maintain the G/L Account for Payables for Account determination group for Suppliers (ABC) and Chart of Account (CoA ID)
- Go to the Business Configuration Work center.
- Go to the Overview View.
- Search and open the activity Charts of Accounts, Financial Reporting Structures, Account Determination.
- Go to Account Determination and Select Accounts Payable.
- Select the Account Determination Profile
- Go to Payables tab
- Maintain G/L Account for Payables for Account Determination Group for Supplier (ABC)
Unposted, Account Determination, Missing, Supplier, Account determination is missing for Supplier, payables, payable , KBA , SRD-FIN-GL , General Ledger , Problem