brrestore restores control file fails:
BR0443W File 'G:\sapbackup\bfqclxfg\CNTRLISID.DBF' to be restored not found ===> this is initial attempt
BR0278E Command output of 'F:\usr\sap\SID\SYS\exe\uc\NTAMD64\brtools.exe -f newgroup cmd /c copy F:\oracle\SID\sapbackup\CNTRLSID.DBF D:\oracle\SID\origlogA\cntrl\cntrlSID.dbf':
BR1748I Process ID of command 'cmd /c copy F:\oracle\SID\sapbackup\CNTRLSID.DBF D:\oracle\SID\origlogA\cntrl\cntrlSID.dbf': 17156
The system cannot find the file specified.
BR1749I Exit code from 'cmd /c copy F:\oracle\SID\sapbackup\CNTRLSID.DBF D:\oracle\SID\origlogA\cntrl\cntrlSID.dbf': 1
BR0280I BRRESTORE time stamp: 2025-01-28 20:57:19
BR0279E Return code from 'F:\usr\sap\SID\SYS\exe\uc\NTAMD64\brtools.exe -f newgroup cmd /c copy F:\oracle\SID\sapbackup\CNTRLSID.DBF D:\oracle\SID\origlogA\cntrl\cntrlSID.dbf': 1
BR0359E Restore of D:\oracle\SID\origlogA\cntrl\cntrlSID.dbf from F:\oracle\SID\sapbackup\CNTRLSID.DBF failed due to previous errors
brrestore is trying to restore F:\oracle\SID\sapbackup\CNTRLSID.DBF to D:\oracle\SID\origlogA\cntrl\cntrlSID.dbf,
and F:\oracle\SID\sapbackup\CNTRLSID.DBF not found.
While checking F:\oracle\SID\sapbackup, there is no CNTRLSID.DBF.
SAP on Oracle
SAP ERP, QAS System Refresh, BRRESTORE, backup_dev_type, util_file, disk, Database Administration, BR0454E , The system cannot find the file specified, BR0278E , KBA , BC-DB-ORA-DBA , Database Administration , Problem
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