Unknown error while Export content in DSP.
Unknown error. Please see console log for details.
Correlation ID: <>
In F12 Developer Tools console, you will see the following errors:
Uncaught ResizeObserver loop completed with undelivered notifications.
Assertion failed: MsgCenter.addException, oErr must be an Error or sap.fpa.ui.infra.common.Exception
The error can also happen in SAC transport.
- SAP Datasphere
- Microsoft Edge or Google Chrome
Reproducing the Issue
1. Go to Transport -> Export
2. Click on "+"
This Unknown error in New Export table is caused by browser upgrade.
For Datasphere, the fix will be deployed in Wave 2025.04. You can refer to Note 2984828 for SAP Datasphere Release & Delivery Schedule.
For SAC, fix is made by SAP development team and will be deployed to Customer tenants with next SAC QRC (2025.01) releasing on Feb 15.
You can close/ignore these "unknown error" and continue to create export. This issue does not impact the Transport feature.
KBA , DS-MD-REPO , Repository Backend , LOD-ANA-ACN , SAC Content Network , Problem