SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

3566558 - Failure to Create Facebook/SMS or WhatsApp Interactions in Agent Desktop via CTI Integration


  • Customers using a certified/supported CTI integration with SAP Service Cloud and Agent Desktop experience interaction creation failures when handling Facebook Messages, WhatsApp, or SMS.
  • When an incoming Facebook/SMS/WhatsApp interaction via widget is accepted, the Agent Desktop displays the following error message: "Failed to create an interaction." 
  • In the network logs, the following error messages may be observed:
    "error": {
        "code": "chat.10006",
        "message": "Insufficient permissions"


    "error": {
        "code": "chat.20000",
        "message": "Something went wrong. Try again later.",
        "target": "/sap/c4c/api/v1/chat-service/chats/[GUID]"


Reproducing the Issue

  1. Connect to the supported CTI widget.
  2. Generate an inbound message via WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger, or SMS:
  3. Accept the interaction.
  4. Observe that interaction creation fails.


  • Missing configuration/ACL rights
  • Consulting


1. Ensure the Logged-in User is a Business User

  • The logged-in user handling the interaction must be a Business User.
  • Technical users, should not be used. Technical users will not determine an interaction owner, which causes the creation to fail.

2. Verify and Assign Chat and Messaging Access Rights

The user or the business role assigned to the user must have both Chat and Messaging access rights. Follow these steps to check and update permissions:

Step 1: Access Business User Settings

  1. Navigate to Administrator → Business Users.
  2. Open the concerned Business User.

Step 2: Check Permission Assignment

  • Determine if the permission is set at the user level or business role level.
  • Based on the above, take the corresponding actions.

Step 3: Assign Work Center and View Permissions

  1. Navigate to the Work Center and View Assignment section.
  2. Ensure that the following views under COD_ACTIVITIES are assigned to the user:

Step 4: Set Access Restrictions

  1. Go to the Access Restriction tab.
  2. Ensure that both COD_CHAT_WCVIEW and COD_MESSAGING_WCVIEW have the appropriate access rights based on business needs.
    • Recommended settings:
      • Read = Unrestricted
      • Write = Unrestricted

Step 5: Save and Apply Changes

  • If permissions were adjusted at the user level, save the changes.
  • If permissions were adjusted at the Business Role level, save and ensure it is applied to all relevant users.

After making these changes, log out and log back in as the affected user, then test an inbound interaction again. If the issue persists, review system logs and contact SAP Support if necessary.

See Also

  • SAP Cloud for Customer Security Guide
  • 3289117 - WhatsApp integration via CTI Widget integrated with Cloud for Service Live Activity or Agent Desktop
  • 3302954 - Unable to identify Business Partners (Accounts, Customers, Contacts) with WhatsApp interactions coming from a CTI integration (V2)
  • 3361007 - WhatsApps and SMS Interaction not saving in the customer hub timeline view
  • 3247922 - How To Activate or Deactivate Channels Supported for Live Activity Integration
  • 3156554 - CTI Integration Options with SAP Cloud for Customer (Service and Sales)


CTI, Facebook Messenger, WhatsApp, SMS, interaction failure, chat service, Agent Desktop, API permissions, SAP Service Cloud, business user, business role, access rights, COD_CHAT_WCVIEW, COD_MESSAGING_WCVIEW, Failed to create interaction. AD. Agent Desktop. Side by Side. , KBA , LOD-CRM-SBS-AC , Agent Console Add-on , Problem


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