SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

3566765 - Issue with Adding Custom Order for Table in SAP Analytics Cloud (SAC)


  • An issue arises when attempting to add a custom order to a table in a Story in SAC.
  • The error message presented as soon as the custom order panel loads is: "A custom order cannot be created because of the following issue: {\"_isUnitConversionMeasure\":false,\"sourceUnit\":\"XXX\",\"targetUnit\":\"XXX\",\"date\":\"XX.XX.XXXX\",\"technicalMeasure\":\"XXXX\",\"failingVersionType\":\"XXXX\",\"conversionMeasure\":\"XXXX\",\"querySource\":\"/t.B.MODELID/MODELID\",\"isMDSConversion\":false,\"measureSettings\":{},\"datasetId\":\"planning:[TENANT_B][][/t.B.t.B.MODELID/MODELID]\"}"


SAP Analytics Cloud

Reproducing the Issue

  1. Access the Story to be modified
  2. Select the row header, and click on the "Add custom order…" option
  3. The error is presented as soon as the custom order panel loads


The issue is due to the incorrect currency conversions.


Add the missing currency rate in currency table -> conversion error -> Analyze.

See Also

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SAP Analytics Cloud, SAC, custom order, table, error, issue, conversion, currency, rate, table, order, error, validation , KBA , LOD-ANA-TAB-SOR , Table Sort, Ranking, Member Sort, Value sort, Custom Sort , Problem


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