SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

3566838 - “Congratulations! You have a new direct report: X with effective date Y. Please work with X to create objectives.” Notification Sent To Current Manager When Processing Future Rehire With Manager Change


You are processing a future-dated rehire for an employee - with this rehire process, the employee is also going through a manager change. When the rehire has been processed / submitted, the future manager receives the  “Congratulations! You have a new direct report: X with effective date Y.” EC Hire message, but the current manager receives the “Congratulations! You have a new direct report: X with effective date Y. Please work with X to create objectives.” Goal Management notification. You would expect the future manager to receive both notifications.


SAP SuccessFactors HCM

SuccessFactors Employee Central

Reproducing the Issue

  1. Go to 'Rehire Inactive Employee' and rehire an employee for a future date, with a new manager
  2. Submit the rehire
  3. The future manager receives the “Congratulations! You have a new direct report: X with effective date Y.” notification triggered from the EC New Hire / Rehire Event
  4. The current / past manager receives the “Congratulations! You have a new direct report: X with effective date Y. Please work with X to create objectives.” Goal Management notification, which is sent as part of the EC New Hire / Rehire event subscribers.


Expected behaviour due to the Goal Management notification system handling


When the Rehire is processed / submitted, an ad-hoc HRIS Sync job runs which triggers the New Hire event and subsequent notifications. The “Congratulations! You have a new direct report: X with effective date Y.” EC notification works off of the HRIS Sync and is able to correctly determine the future manager and send the notification appropriately.

However, the “Congratulations! You have a new direct report: X with effective date Y. Please work with X to create objectives.” Goal Management notification works off of the UDF. As this is a future-dated change, the UDF does not yet contain the new manager value (this will not occur until the rehire date is reached) and, as the Goal Management notification triggers on the rehire processing date, not the rehire's active date, the current / old manager receives the notification.

As a workaround to this, you can instead create an off-cycle event batch and configure it to run on the rehire date, where it will then trigger the new hire event and send the EC and Goal Management notifications to the new manager as expected, though it means the notifications will not be received until the rehire date, not beforehand. Alternatively, you could remove the Goal Management subscriber from the EC New Hire / Rehire Event and use the off-cycle event batch to send a custom notification about the Goal Management processes on the rehire date.

If you would like this feature to be adjusted / implemented in the future, you could submit an enhancement request (as per KBA 2090228) for the same.

See Also

2090228 - How to submit enhancement ideas for SAP SuccessFactors Products - SAP for Me


rehire, future, dated, manager, change, future-dated, manager change, notification, "You have a new direct report", "to create objectives", “You have a new direct report: X with effective date Y”, “Please work with X to create objectives”, “Congratulations! You have a new direct report: X with effective date Y. Please work with X to create objectives”, “Congratulations! You have a new direct report: X with effective date Y” , KBA , LOD-SF-EC-HIR-RIE , Rehire Inactive Employee , Product Enhancement


SAP SuccessFactors HCM Core 2411