SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

3567066 - Assigning an observer while acting as a delegate assigns the item to the delegate as well


As a delegate acting on behalf the manager, when in Team View and requesting an observer causes the item that the observer was requested to be assigned to the delegate.


SAP SuccessFactors Learning

Reproducing the Issue

  1. Setup a user to be a delegate
  2. Assign an item to a subordinate of the primary manager that has a task checklist
  3. Log in as the delegate > actions menu > Act As > primary manager > Team View
  4. Find the user that was assigned the other type item > request observation
  5. Complete the request observation and stop acting as a delegate
  6. Notice that the other type item was assigned to the delegate as well


This is a Known Issue.


The fix for this issue is planned to be deployed on 1H 2025 release (b2505).

For release timelines, please review SAP SuccessFactors Product Release & Road Map Information.


Trigger the delegate option while in the legacy learning homepage as to utilize the legacy My Team instead of Team View.

See Also


KI2411, LRN-191974, delegate, observation, request, observer, delegated, assigned, assign,
, KBA , LOD-SF-LMS-ILX , Integrated Learning Experience , Known Error


SAP SuccessFactors Learning 2411