You are using (or looking to use) the following API: odata/v2/restricted/EmpEmployeeCalendar, and is looking for more information about the entity.
This entity is available only in restricted mode for now.
- SAP SuccessFactors HCM Suite
- OData API
The query "/odata/v2/restricted/EmpEmployeeCalendar" is an different API with specific behaviors.
This OData API entity would give you planned working time per day (with temporary workschedule information), public holiday class, absence hours per day and “availability” hours (which is the delta of planned and absence hours per day).
You can check point 3 in this blog:
Example usage of this API:
http://<host>/OData/v2/restricted/EmpEmployeeCalendar?$filter=userId eq 'XXXXX'&fromDate=2016-01-01&toDate=2017-01-01
But please note: This API is released in restricted mode. Hence my advice for you would be to avoid the usage of that specific API if possible.
We do not recommend for customers to use Restricted neither Beta APIs. Also, the related communications wont be done officially as normally it is. This API is not present in the OData API Guide.
Our advice is, if you really need this API, please put pressure on Engineering via Influence channel so they include officially this in future releases of the product (refer to 0002090228 - How to Submit Ideas for SAP SuccessFactors Products).
See Also
Blog mentioned:
SuccessFactors, S/4HANA, CPI, iflow, SFSF_EC_to_S4HANA_Availability, holiday calendar, synchronization, non-working days, timesheet application, Employee Calendar, restricted. , KBA , LOD-SF-INT-CPI-ERP , Standard SF to SAP ERP or S/4HANA Integration using CPI , Bug Filed