####################################### # Default configuration of DbMaintain # ####################################### # This file contains default configuration values for dbmaintain. This file should not be edited. # All properties in this file can be overridden, either in the project specific properties file # (dbmaintain.properties) ### Database connections ### database.dialect=oracle database.driverClassName=oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver database.url=jdbc:oracle:thin:@{smpbox}:{1521}:{mpb} database.userName={gomobile} database.schemaNames={USER} database.password={mypwd} #Must be set if the driver is not packaged inside the scriptarchive or is present on the classpath #e.g. /path/to/ojdbc14.jar database.driverLocation=/oracle/MPB/11204/ojdbc6.jar # Comma separated list of locations where database scripts can be found. This list may contain folders as well as script archive files. dbMaintainer.script.locations=scripts #Indicates if a prompt should appear before clearing any data (default=true) dbMaintainer.promptBeforeDrop=true #Indicates if the db should be purged no matter if there were changes or not dbMaintainer.alwaysDrop=false ### DbMaintainer configuration ### # Indicates the database can be recreated from scratch if needed. If set to true, the database is cleared and recreated # from scratch in case of an irregular script update. Following are irregular script updates: # - A script that was already executed has been modified # - A new script has been added with an index number lower than the one of an already executed script # - An script that was already executed has been removed or renamed # # If set to false, the dbmaintainer will give an error if one of these situations occurs. dbMaintainer.fromScratch.enabled=false # Scripts can be qualified using script qualifiers, e.g. to qualify a 01_script1.sql as 'special' rename it to # 01_#special_script1.sql (the qualifier is not case sensitive). dbMaintainer.qualifiers=Basic,PLATFORM # Qualifiers can be used to include or exclude certain scripts from execution. This can be done by excluding and/or including # certain qualifiers. Scripts qualified with an excluded qualifier are not executed. Use '' to indicate scripts with # a qualifier ( does not have to be specified as qualifier in dbMaintainer.qualifiers). dbMaintainer.excludedQualifiers=Basic # If the includedQualifiers property is set, then a script is only executed if it contains at least on of the included # qualifiers. Use '' to indicate scripts with a qualifier ( does not have to be specified as # qualifier in dbMaintainer.qualifiers). dbMaintainer.includedQualifiers= # An optional baseline revision. # All scripts with a revision lower than this baseline revision will be ignored. No errors will be generated when # such scripts are missing or were changed. # This can be set when the your initial database is already in a baseline state (for example restored from an image # of production). You can then safely remove all scripts before this baseline revision without having any errors during an update. # When a script jar is created, it will only contain scripts starting from this baseline revision. # In other words, it will only contain the deltas with the baseline. dbMaintainer.baseline.revision= # An optional properties file that contains parameter names and values. Any occurrences of parameters in the form # ${paramName} in the database script will then be replaced by their corresponding value from the properties file. # Parameters that are not found in the properties file are ignored. dbMaintainer.scriptParameterFile= # Determines how the database stores non-quoted identifiers (with identifiers, we mean names for tables, columns, etc.) # Possible values are lower_case, upper_case, mixed_case and auto # If auto is specified, the database metadata is used to determine the correct value database.storedIndentifierCase.oracle=auto database.storedIndentifierCase.hsqldb=auto database.storedIndentifierCase.mysql=auto database.storedIndentifierCase.db2=auto database.storedIndentifierCase.postgresql=auto database.storedIndentifierCase.derby=auto database.storedIndentifierCase.mssql=auto database.storedIndentifierCase.sybase=auto database.storedIndentifierCase.informix=auto database.storedIndentifierCase.msgoracle=auto database.storedIndentifierCase.msgdb2=auto # Determines the string the database uses to quote identifiers, i.e. make them case-sensitive # (with identifiers, we mean names for tables, columns, etc.) # Use 'none' if quoting is not supported. # If auto is specified, the database metadata is used to determine the correct value database.identifierQuoteString.oracle=auto database.identifierQuoteString.hsqldb=auto database.identifierQuoteString.mysql=auto database.identifierQuoteString.db2=auto database.identifierQuoteString.sybase=auto database.identifierQuoteString.postgresql=auto database.identifierQuoteString.derby=auto database.identifierQuoteString.mssql=auto database.identifierQuoteString.informix=none database.identifierQuoteString.msgdb2=auto database.identifierQuoteString.msgoracle=auto # Name of the table that contains the database update script that have already been executed on the database. dbMaintainer.executedScriptsTableName=dbmaintain_scripts # Name of the column in which the name of the executed script file is stored dbMaintainer.fileNameColumnName=file_name dbMaintainer.fileNameColumnSize=150 # Name of the column in which the last modification date of the executed script file is stored. dbMaintainer.fileLastModifiedAtColumnName=file_last_modified_at # Name of the column in which the checksum of the content of the script is stored. dbMaintainer.checksumColumnName=checksum dbMaintainer.checksumColumnSize=50 # Name of the column that stores the timestamp at which the script was executed dbMaintainer.executedAtColumnName=executed_at dbMaintainer.executedAtColumnSize=20 # Name of the column that stores the user which executed the script dbMaintainer.executedByColumnName=executed_by dbMaintainer.executedByColumnSize=50 # Name of the column in which is stored whether the script ran without error or not. dbMaintainer.succeededColumnName=succeeded # If set to true, the table DBMAINTAIN_SCRIPTS will be created automatically if it does not exist yet. # If false, an exception is thrown, indicating how to create the table manually. dbMaintainer.autoCreateDbMaintainScriptsTable=true dbMaintainer.timestampFormat=yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss # Extension of the files containing the database update scripts dbMaintainer.script.fileExtensions=sql,ddl # Comma separated list of directories and files in which the post processing database scripts are # located. Directories in this list are recursively search for files. dbMaintainer.postProcessingScript.directoryName=postprocessing # Encoding to use when reading the script files dbMaintainer.script.encoding=UTF-8 # If true, carriage return chars will be ignored when calculating check sums. # This will make all scripts OS independent: all line endings will be new lines (linux-style) during the check sum # calculation. This avoids problems when copying and editing files on both Windows and Linux platforms. The check sums will # still be the same if only the type of line endings has changed. # By default this setting is disabled for backwards compatibility reasons. dbMaintainer.script.ignoreCarriageReturnsWhenCalculatingCheckSum=true # The regexp to use for locating the index part in the filename (without extension). # The index should be in the beginning of the filename followed by a _ and should only consist of numbers. # E.g. 01_myscript.sql # The regexp should contain 1 capturing group to mark the value that is to be used. dbMaintainer.script.index.regexp=^([0-9]+)(?:_|$) # The regexp to use for locating the target database part in the filename (without extension). # If the file name contains multiple target database names, the last found target database is used # E.g. 01_@database1/01_@database2_myscript.sql # The regexp should contain 1 capturing group to mark the value that is to be used. dbMaintainer.script.targetDatabase.regexp=(?\:\\G|_)@([a-zA-Z0-9]+)(?\:_|$) # The regexp to use for locating the qualifiers in the filename ((without extension). # E.g. if the filename is 01_#refdata_myscript.sql, this script is qualified as a refdata script # The regexp should contain 1 capturing group to mark the value that is to be used. dbMaintainer.script.qualifier.regexp=(?\:\\G|_)\#([a-zA-Z0-9]+)(?\:_|$) # The qualifier to use to determine whether a script is a patch script. # E.g. 01_#patch_myscript.sql dbMaintainer.script.patch.qualifiers=platform,patch # If this property is set to true, a patch script is allowed to be executed # even if another script with a higher index was already executed. dbMaintainer.allowOutOfSequenceExecutionOfPatches=true # The maximum nr of chars of the script content to log when exception occurs, 0 to not log any script content dbMaintainer.maxNrOfCharsWhenLoggingScriptContent=100 # Defines whether script last modification dates can be used to decide whether an existing script has changed. If set # to true, the dbmaintainer will decide that a file didn't change since the last time if it's last modification date hasn't # changed. If it did change, it will first calculate the checksum of the file to verify that the content really # changed. Setting this property to true improves performance: if set to false the checksum of every script must # be calculated for each run of the dbmaintainer. dbMaintainer.useScriptFileLastModificationDates=true # Set to true if characters can be escaped by using backslashes. For example '\'' instead of the standard SQL way ''''. # Note this is not standard SQL behavior and is therefore disabled by default. dbMaintainer.script.backSlashEscapingEnabled=true # Defines the command to use for invoking oracle's SQL*Plus if the SqlPlusScriptRunner is used dbMaintainer.sqlPlusScriptRunner.sqlPlusCommand=sqlplus # Defines the command to use for invoking DB2's CLP if the Db2ScriptRunner is used dbMaintainer.db2ScriptRunner.db2Command=db2 # If set to true, all foreign key and not null constraints of the database are automatically disabled before and # after the execution of the scripts. False by default. dbMaintainer.disableConstraints=false # If set to true, all database sequences and identity columns are set to a minimum value after the execution of the scripts. # The minimum accepted sequence value is indicated by the property sequenceUpdater.lowestAcceptableSequenceValue dbMaintainer.updateSequences=false # Threshold indicating the minimum value of sequences. If sequences are updated, all sequences having a lower value than this # one are set to this value. sequenceUpdater.lowestAcceptableSequenceValue=1000 # Indicates whether the database should be 'cleaned' before scripts are executed. If true, the # records of all database tables, except for the ones listed in 'dbMaintainer.preserve.*' or # 'dbMaintain.preserveDataOnly.*' are deleted before and after executing the scripts. False by default. dbMaintainer.cleanDb=false # Comma separated list of database items that may not be dropped or cleared by DbMaintain when # updating the database from scratch. # Schemas can also be preserved entirely. If identifiers are quoted (eg "" for oracle) they are considered # case sensitive. Items may be prefixed with the schema name. Items that do not have a schema prefix are # considered to be in the default schema. dbMaintainer.preserve.schemas= dbMaintainer.preserve.tables= dbMaintainer.preserve.views= dbMaintainer.preserve.materializedViews= dbMaintainer.preserve.synonyms= dbMaintainer.preserve.sequences= # Comma separated list of table names. The tables listed here will not be emptied during a cleanDatabase operation. # Data of the dbmaintain_scripts table is preserved automatically. # Tables listed here will still be dropped before a fromScratch update. If this is not desirable # you should use the property dbMaintainer.preserve.tables instead. # Schemas can also be preserved entirely. If identifiers are quoted (eg "" for oracle) they are considered # case sensitive. Items may be prefixed with the schema name. Items that do not have a schema prefix are considered # to be in the default schema dbMaintainer.preserveDataOnly.schemas= dbMaintainer.preserveDataOnly.tables= # Fully qualified classname of the factory that is going to create the db maintainer instance org.dbmaintain.DbMaintainer.factory=org.dbmaintain.DbMaintainerFactory # Fully qualified classname of the factory that is going to create the db clearer instance org.dbmaintain.structure.clear.DBClearer.factory=org.dbmaintain.structure.clear.DBClearerFactory # Fully qualified classname of the factory that is going to create the db cleaner instance org.dbmaintain.structure.clean.DBCleaner.factory=org.dbmaintain.structure.clean.DBCleanerFactory # Fully qualified classname of the factory that is going to create the constraints disabler instance org.dbmaintain.structure.constraint.ConstraintsDisabler.factory=org.dbmaintain.structure.constraint.ConstraintsDisablerFactory # Fully qualified classname of the factory that is going to create the sequence updater instance org.dbmaintain.structure.sequence.SequenceUpdater.factory=org.dbmaintain.structure.sequence.SequenceUpdaterFactory # Fully qualified classname of the factory that is going to create the executed script info source instance org.dbmaintain.script.executedscriptinfo.ExecutedScriptInfoSource.factory=org.dbmaintain.script.executedscriptinfo.ExecutedScriptInfoSourceFactory # Fully qualified classname of the factory that is going to create the script runner instance # The default value is 'org.dbmaintain.scriptrunner.impl.DefaultScriptRunner', which executes a regular SQL script. # For oracle there is also an implementation 'org.dbmaintain.scriptrunner.SqlPlusScriptRunnerFactory' that # uses SQL*Plus to execute the scripts # For DB2 there is also an implementation 'org.dbmaintain.script.runner.Db2ScriptRunnerFactory' that # uses the DB2 CLP to execute the scripts org.dbmaintain.script.runner.ScriptRunner.factory=org.dbmaintain.script.runner.JdbcScriptRunnerFactory ####org.dbmaintain.script.runner.ScriptRunner.factory=org.dbmaintain.script.runner.SqlPlusScriptRunnerFactory # Fully qualified classname of the factory that is going to create the script archive creator instance org.dbmaintain.script.archive.ScriptArchiveCreator.factory=org.dbmaintain.script.archive.ScriptArchiveCreatorFactory org.dbmaintain.database.Database.implClassName.oracle=org.dbmaintain.database.impl.OracleDatabase org.dbmaintain.database.Database.implClassName.hsqldb=org.dbmaintain.database.impl.HsqldbDatabase org.dbmaintain.database.Database.implClassName.mysql=org.dbmaintain.database.impl.MySqlDatabase org.dbmaintain.database.Database.implClassName.db2=org.dbmaintain.database.impl.Db2Database org.dbmaintain.database.Database.implClassName.postgresql=org.dbmaintain.database.impl.PostgreSqlDatabase org.dbmaintain.database.Database.implClassName.derby=org.dbmaintain.database.impl.DerbyDatabase org.dbmaintain.database.Database.implClassName.mssql=org.dbmaintain.database.impl.MsSqlDatabase org.dbmaintain.database.Database.implClassName.informix=org.dbmaintain.database.impl.InformixDatabase org.dbmaintain.database.Database.implClassName.msgdb2=org.dbmaintain.database.impl.Db2Database org.dbmaintain.database.Database.implClassName.msgoracle=org.dbmaintain.database.impl.OracleDatabase org.dbmaintain.database.Database.implClassName.sybase=org.dbmaintain.database.impl.SybaseDatabase org.dbmaintain.script.parser.ScriptParserFactory.implClassName=org.dbmaintain.script.parser.impl.DefaultScriptParserFactory org.dbmaintain.script.parser.ScriptParserFactory.implClassName.mssql=org.dbmaintain.script.parser.impl.MsSqlScriptParserFactory org.dbmaintain.script.parser.ScriptParserFactory.implClassName.oracle=org.dbmaintain.script.parser.impl.OracleScriptParserFactory org.dbmaintain.script.parser.ScriptParserFactory.implClassName.postgresql=org.dbmaintain.script.parser.impl.PostgreSqlScriptParserFactory org.dbmaintain.script.parser.ScriptParserFactory.implClassName.db2=org.dbmaintain.script.parser.impl.Db2ScriptParserFactory org.dbmaintain.script.parser.ScriptParserFactory.implClassName.mysql=org.dbmaintain.script.parser.impl.MySqlScriptParserFactory org.dbmaintain.script.parser.ScriptParserFactory.implClassName.informix=org.dbmaintain.script.parser.impl.InformixScriptParserFactory org.dbmaintain.script.parser.ScriptParserFactory.implClassName.msgdb2=org.dbmaintain.script.parser.impl.MsgScriptParserFactory org.dbmaintain.script.parser.ScriptParserFactory.implClassName.msgoracle=org.dbmaintain.script.parser.impl.MsgScriptParserFactory org.dbmaintain.script.parser.ScriptParserFactory.implClassName.sybase=org.dbmaintain.script.parser.impl.MsSqlScriptParserFactory