SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

3296860 - Wrong title when "Pinning to home" numeric point chart - SAP Analytics Cloud


Using the functionality "Pin to home" on some indicators tiles, does not work properly, titles got changed for a default name.


  • SAP Analytics Cloud - 2022.25.2

Reproducing the Issue

  1. Open SAP Analytics Cloud Tenant.

  2. Go to the Affected Story.

  3. Go to the Affected Page containing the affected chart.

  4. Click on the Chart and Select the Three dots on the right top of the Chart.

  5. Click "Pin to Home".

  6. Go back to SAP Analytics Cloud Home Screen.



The behavior is by design.


Workaround to fix the issue:

  1. Open the story in Edit mode.
  2. In the show/hide settings for each widget, change the show/hide settings to enable the title/subtitle
  3. In the title/subtitle, click into the title/subtitle and select and remove all text
  4. Click away from the title/subtitle
  5. Observe the title/subtitle is re-generated
  6. Re-save the story

See Also

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SAP Analytics Cloud, SAC, sapanalyticscloud, kba, note, help, knowledge, chart, story, canvas, responsive, model, modeling, connection, tenant, version, number, title, name, change, wrong, pin, to, home, pintohome, pin to home, show , KBA , LOD-ANA-DES , Story Design & Visualizations , Problem


SAP Analytics Cloud 1.0