SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

3514448 - Isnull() function not working - SAP Analytics Cloud


In Query Builder, Calculated Column created using functions ISNULL, LIKE, and NOT which return Boolean type will throw an error as: ‘ Caught exception : exception 1000013: incorrect syntax near \"IS\" ’".


SAP Analytics Cloud embedded in SAP SuccessFactors


ISNULL, LIKE, and NOT are special predicates that require a CASE WHEN/IF statement to function correctly. 

Currently, the error is thrown from the Database layer failing to handle the return type Boolean in the dynamic calculations.


In order to use ISNULL, NOT, and LIKE, users need to wrap these predicates within an IF() function.

We will provide better experience with validation checks to avoid runtime error messages in upcoming releases.


Not working: ISNULL(AGENCY_ID)
Working: IF(ISNULL(AGENCY_ID), 1, 0)

See Also

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SAP Analytics Cloud, SAC, sapanalyticscloud, kba, note, help, knowledge, embedded, analytics, ISNULL, NOT, LIKE, INA Calls, MDS , KBA , LOD-ANA-OEM , Embedded usage of SAP Analytics Cloud , LOD-SF-ANA-SAC , Stories in People Analytics , Known Error


SAP Analytics Cloud all versions ; SAP SuccessFactors HCM Core all versions